Because who you are matters.

Charlotte Jewish Day School is a vibrant, growing learning community rooted in an educational philosophy that motivates, challenges, and celebrates the whole child and is united by our shared love for and connection to Judaism.

Transitional Kindergarten Students at CJDS

Transitional Kindergarten

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Transitional Kindergarten (TK)

Elementary School Students at CJDS

Elementary School
(K-Grade 5)

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Elementary School
(K-Grade 5)

CJDS Middle School

Middle School

(Grade 6 and Up)

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Middle School
(Grade 6 and Up)



Student and Teacher at Charlotte Jewish Day School

Guided by outstanding teachers, CJDS students tap into their strengths becoming more resilient, more motivated, and more accomplished learners. Our rigorous curriculum in general and Judaic studies fosters creativity and critical thinking and prepares students to outpace their independent school peers.

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Student and Teacher at Charlotte Jewish Day School

CJDS provides a comprehensive education in Torah, Hebrew language, and Jewish beliefs, customs and laws, instilling a love of Judaism. Confident in who they are, our students celebrate and take pride in being Jewish.

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Students at Charlotte Jewish Day School

Our goal is to provide a quality Jewish education to all Jewish families who desire it for their children. So we have developed a way to make tuition as affordable as possible for as diverse an array of families as possible. Our confidential Tuition Affordability program tailors costs, enabling parents from all walks of life to choose CJDS.

How it works →

By the Numbers

Students outperform national average on CTP4/ERB
Student:Teacher Ratio
Students can read Hebrew by the end of 1st Grade
Hours in Music, Art and PE per year
Risa Miller
Parents describe CJDS
“The whole values-driven part of the curriculum, which feeds in everywhere - raising individuals who you as parents want to take pride in. This school does an amazing job of creating individuals who care passionately about giving back to the world and being good people”
- Risa Miller, Parent
Carolyn Stone
Parents describe CJDS
“The school makes sure our children learn at their pace. CJDS is a progressive school with progressive leaders. I love that our children use project-based learning, maker space, responsive classroom within the school every day.”
- Carolyn Stone, Parent
Joanna Lindenbaum
Parents describe CJDS
“It has been an environment that is so loving ...
Every teacher knew her name.”
- Joanna Lindenbaum, Parent

News & Events

Charlotte Jewish Day School Receives $1,000,000 Endowment Towards Tuition Affordability!!

It is with great pride and humility that the Charlotte Jewish Day School received a $1,000,000 gift, securing our future and enabling more families in our community to have access to a life changing Jewish education. This gift will be truly transformational!During the throes of the pandemic, Risa and David Miller and Stacy and Todd Gorelick,…


Teacher Work Day (No School)

February 13, 2025
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Presidents Day Break (No School)

February 14, 2025
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Special Friends Day (12:00 Dismissal)

February 28, 2025
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
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Follow CJDS on Instagram

Another full day of listening to experts in the field of Jewish education! #charlottejewishdayschool #tk8 #jewishmomsofcharlotte #jewisheducation #prizmah2025
What a honor to attend the 2025 Prizmah conference in Boston, celebrating Jewish education along with 1500 other professionals in the field of education. The day was filled with workshops, musical entertainment by Shlomi Shaban, networking opportunities, fabulous shared meals, and ended with the most emotional speakers; the parents of Omer Neutra, the American Israeli who lost his life on Oct 7th. #charlottejewishdayschool #jewishcharlotte #jewishmomsofcharlotte #jewisheducation #prizmah2025
Enjoy this teaser for the CJDS Middle School Podcast Jewkbox!  This is a project from four students in their Advisory block.  Stay tuned to get access to the first episode! #charlottejewishdayschool #jewishcharlotte #jewishmomsofcharlotte #tk8 #charlottejewishpreschool #jewisheducation #jewishpreschoolonsardis #experientiallearning #middleschoolpodcast