The Mensch Factor
CJDS partners with parents to instill values of kindness, respect and ethical behavior in each child. We care not only how your child does in school today, but also if he or she has the tools necessary to make good decisions in the future.
Educational Excellence
CJDS provides an exemplary education and our small class sizes accommodate different modes of learning. Our gifted curriculum offers a strong foundation in general studies, and for the 5th year in a row, the average CJDS student’s standardized test scores outperformed those of national independent schools.
Forward Thinking
CJDS recognizes that our students need to be critical thinkers, creative, adaptable, and information literate in order to be successful in the future. Central to our curriculum are educational initiatives such as project-based learning and makerspace opportunities which provide unique ways of learning these skills.
The Whole Child
CJDS closely gauges academic, social and creative development, and recognizes opportunities for growth even at the earliest stages. Our Judaica program provides a foundation of passion, strength and leadership. We teach children to hold steadfastly to their values, to treat everyone with respect, and to celebrate the joy of being Jewish.
Jewish Identity
CJDS teaches Jewish values, customs, and laws which hold relevance and meaning today. Our Jewish Studies focus on what we all have in common and encourages each family to explore their own path. CJDS students gain a strong sense of confidence and pride in their Jewish identity.
Jewish Values
The Torah gives a blueprint for living to our highest potential and keeps CJDS students grounded in a modern world. They learn through Torah studies that the Jewish people stand strong and persevere through the best and worst of times. Our student’s strong moral compass and high self-esteem blossom from their Torah study.
Jewish Community
CJDS families benefit from a strong sense of community where we not only share celebrations and holidays, but also support one another through obstacles and challenges. This relationship with your Jewish “neighborhood school” is strengthened through parent-connections and school-sponsored events.
Individual Learning
Every CJDS student has a different path to success. We understand that children master tasks at different paces and our teachers modify content, process, and product as appropriate for each child. Weekly curriculum meetings and monthly grade level meetings allow us to strategize how best to meet each individual student’s needs.
Dual Language
CJDS students are taught Hebrew using a whole language immersion program. Educational studies suggest early foreign language education improves overall school performance, produces superior problem-solving skills, enhances listening skills and promotes creative development and awareness of cultural diversity.
Our students have much to teach us and much love to share. CJDS teaches children that Jewish learning is a lifelong pursuit and offers opportunities for parents to learn alongside their children. We offer many opportunities throughout the year for families to participate in the classroom and at school and community programming.