שנה טובה

We had a fabulous last week of the year 5776 in Kitah Gimmel!!

Believe or not, next time we come back into our class it will be the new year of 5777!!!

We learned about the significance of the name of the holiday, Rosh Hashana, the head of the year. Just like the head controls the rest of the limbs and organs in our body, so too the days of Rosh Hashana “control” (have a great impact) on the rest of the days of the year.

In order to help the students act in a special way on these days I have sent home some activities for them to do over the holiday (it’s in their Blue/Red Judaica Folder).

In addition we learned 4 unique Tefillot (prayers) that are said when eating 4 special Rosh Hashana foods. To make it simple and pleasant to do, we prepared an amazing “Rosh Hashana take-out” kit, complete with the 4 foods and their appropriate prayers. I’m sure that you will have as much fun using them as we had preparing them…..

We also got to design our very own mosaic candlesticks with Mrs. Lerner! They turned out beautiful! Please enjoy them over the Holiday and return them to school on Wednesday.

Finally, and most importantly, each student at CJDS had the privilege of making their very own Shofar!!!!

What a treat!


Preparing our Challot Agullot (round Challah)!

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Preparing our Challot Agulot (round challah)


Taking out the seeds from the Rimon.

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Packing our boxes!


Taking out the seeds from the Rimon.

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Our finished product!

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We love the candlesticks we designed.



Our visit to the Shofar factory:

Sanding the Shofar  

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Getting some help from a sanding machine.

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Painting the Shofar with oil to give it a nice shine!

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Shana Tova!!!


What a great way to blast off to a New Year!