100 Days of School in the Bank!

In reading, the students are practicing using context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words. For example, in our read aloud book today, the students heard the word fatigue. The author gave them a lot of clues about this word, like the character wanted to take a nap and he went into his “sleeping chamber.” Using these clues, the students were able to determine that fatigue meant tired or sleepy. They will have chances to practice this skill in their own books next week!

For several weeks, the students have been studying how to make words plural. Here are some of the rules they have learned:
1. Words that end in ch, sh, s, x, and z- add “es”
2. Words that end in y- drop the y and add “ies”
3. Words that end in a vowel then y (like play)- just add “s”
4. Words that end in f- drop the f and add “ves”
Next week, there are no spelling words. The students will finish the second round of the 250 word assessment.

Writing and Science
The students completed their life cycle reports this week and illustrated their work. Next week, the students will get to choose if they want to write biography reports or another life cycle report. We will review the structure of nonfiction writing (introduction, informational paragraphs, and a conclusion) and focus on choosing interesting words!

The students worked on subtraction strategies this week and we will continue this next week as well. The students are also practicing beginning multiplication problems by learning how to group things equally and add them up.

Project Based Learning- Social Studies and Science
After a week and a half of researching, the students began writing the script for their news show on natural resources. Here are the segments they are writing: Introduction, solar energy, water, soil, trees, wind energy, animals and crops, oil vs. biofuels, and conclusion. The students will get to decide if they want to be on camera or behind the scenes.