October 5th Oct 8th   


What an amazing week your children have had.  It has been so much fun to see them enjoying the sukkah hopping and telling me all about the wonderful things they learned.   


This week we have focused on reviewing and practicing all the letters and sight words we have learned.  They used them to play differentiated centers like hook a duck, puzzles, build a word, silly sentences and many more.


In math, we have been practicing counting by 10’s to one hundred by singing our action song as we count.  We have also been practicing finding one more or one less on a number line and showing our thinking but using different manipulatives to build the numbers.   


We learned about starting our letters from the top and used our lines on the specail writing paper to try get our letters all the same size.   We have practiced building our letters by using wooden letter pieces, and we carefully looked at which direction the letter is formed. 


This week in writing we have learned how to add details to our pictues by thinking about what the background would look like and then drawing using the correct colors.  The children have learned to count the number of words in the sentence they want to write and have been trying to hear what sounds they needed for each word independently. 



Next week will learn new letters and words and continue our math fun!

Enjoy the fall break!