November 16th– 20th
Last week was like a Fairytale. 😊 We learned about fairytales and the elements that make them. We have learned to retell stories and to understand the characters, settings and events. We made the wolf from ‘Little Red Riding hood”, where his mouth flips to retell the story. We made “Jack and the Beanstalk” out of paper chains to identify the character, events and settings. We then looked at the story of the ‘The Three Little Pigs” and how to retell a story using our words. The children used all the props they had made to retell the stories to each other! Some of the children were so funny, and enjoyed using different voices for the characters!
We focused on using ten fames last week, and how to find part, part and whole using the strategy of counting on. The children learned that by using the ten frame and two colors it was very easy to see how many units they started with and how many they had to count on to make ten. We worked on composing ten and decomposing ten, with a varitey of centers and activities, such as paper chain making, making ten ‘machine’ puzzles, ten frame activities and many more.
Our writing this past week also involved our fairytale work. The children took time to use the props they had made for reading, and used them to write their own version. The children have been learning to use the sentence openers of; First, next, then, after and finally. The children have been learning how to write only the most important parts to a story, to recap the key information.
I wish you all a very wonderful Thanksgiving Break!
I am thankful for all your support and beautiful children.