3 More Days!
We spent our second to last week of school completing our final assessments, working on one last writing project, expanding our math skills, and reading, reading, reading! This week the students wrote a story about something that happened during this school year. Many students picked our overnight trip or our trip to the Stone’s farm. I was surprised by students who were able to write detailed stories about the first day of school! Their memory is way better than mine! 🙂
Here are the students finishing one last spelling assessment. Their skills have grown so much!
In math, we studied place value up into the hundred thousands. We learned that zeros in a number are very important as there is a great difference between $400,000 and $4,000! We also studied the “order of operations” in equations. The students know they need to do the math in parentheses first, then multiplication or division, and finally addition and subtraction. This is useful in problems like 9 x ( 5 – 2 ) – 3 = ______. The students also practiced adding numbers with decimals.
Here the students are playing math games to review their skills. They are practicing multiplication and division, area and perimeter, polygons, and elapsed time!
Next Week:
Throughout the last week of school the students will participate in many exciting activities to help celebrate their hard work this school year. Here is a sneak peek at a few of the activities:
– The students will publish their “All About Me” book.
– We will watch Charlotte’s Web after finally finishing the book!
– The students will practice readers’ theater plays to work on fluency and expression!
– The students will write letters of advice to the upcoming 2nd graders.
Music Class Talent Show:
In music class, Miss Beverly is holding a talent show! On Wednesday, the students have the oppotunity to perform solo or group talents that last up to 90 seconds. These talents can be musical, physical, jokes, magic tricks, etc. If your child need props, it’s up to them to bring them from home. Permission slips for the talent show came home today, so that Miss Beverly can determine who is participating. The permissions slips should be returned this Monday.
Graduation Reminders:
This Tuesday, is CJDS graduation! Students are to arrive at 6:30 P.M. and report to the teen lounge across from the backstage area of Gorelick Hall. Graduation will begin at 7:00 P.M. All second graders should wear their CJDS shirt. Boys should wear khaki or blue trousers and a kippah. Girls should wear a pleated khaki, blue, or blue plaid skirt, or khaki or blue trousers. In accordance with the school’s dress code, skirts higher than 3 inches above the knee are considered inappropriate. No jeans or shorts for boys or girls please.
This is my view from graduation practice. It should be a wonderful night!Â