An Amazing First Two Days!

Wow! We have had a fantastic start to our school year! The students have been practicing their classroom rituals and routines, and I know they will begin to feel very comfortable in our classroom soon. Each student began an “All About Me” book this week that will be displayed in our classroom. Today, we also began an assessment that will show me their math strengths and weaknesses. Everyone really “Gave it all they’ve got!” Check out some pictures of our work below. I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend and comes back rested and ready to learn on Monday!

Remember to send in your library cards. Mrs. Osman found a great link for you to order a library card online and receive it in the mail. Once you have your card you will need to take it into the library to get it activated, but that’s just a great excuse to check out the library together!

Sincerely, Mrs. F 🙂

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