April 13-17

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Pesach Break. I heard about all sorts of fun things students did while they were out. We are using those experiences to help us write our next story. Students are learning about starting with a strong lead and closing the story with a “wrap-up” ending. We read different stories that had strong leads that made us want to read more. We talked about the endings of stories and how they don’t necessarily need to say The End. If you do a nice job wrapping up the story and closing with a good thought or feeling about the main idea then the reader will automatically know the story is finished. I am so excited for these stories to be finished because they are started off with a BANG! Some students have chosen to use dialogue to start their stories. Others have chosen to start with action. They are so eager to share their writing aloud and love to give each other feedback.

Next week we will visit the library again. Please make sure you have looked for any overdue books so your child can return them on Thursday, when we visit again. 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend. Hopefully we’ll get to see the sun!!