Celebrating Sukkot CJDS Style!
What great fun was had by all celebrating Sukkot CJDS style!!!
- Eating treats and lunch in the Sukkah
- Making the Bracha and then shaking the Lulav and Etrog set
- Creating our very own “grape” Sukkot!
- Did you know that it’s a Mitzvah to rejoice on Sukkot?! Well in order to help us rejoice even more than we already were, we were treated to a Juggling Show. Ask your child how the juggling act is connected to Sukkot.
Enjoy the photos!
Last but not least, since Simchat Torah is connected to the Holiday of Sukkot, we were treated to having Rabbi Weiss bring to us a small but beautiful Torah; we each got to kiss it and then we had grand dancing with the Torah in the center!!!!
Celebrating all these holidays feels like we’re running in a Holiday Marathon!!!!
Hope this gives you a little picture of our celebrations!!!!