Classroom updates
Hello parents!
We are back into the swing of things in third grade. I’m looking forward to a regular, 5 day school week! A couple things to keep in mind:
- Students do have spelling words this week. Lists should have come home last night stapled into their planner. If you happen to notice a misspelling, please let me or your child know. I always check their school list, then the students copy those words onto the home list (which you see). It may be as simple as an error when transferring the words to the second list. BUT I don’t want them studying the wrong spelling all week! Regardless, please have your child study the words at least a few times per week, or as often as you deem necessary.
- Library books checked out before winter break are due. Please remind your child to bring it back this week. Thank you to those who have already sent the books back!
- If you still have the green progress report folder at home, please return to school this week. You may keep the report written by your child or return, either is fine. Some parents have signed it and returned, while others have asked to keep.
- Please help encourage your child to read every night for 30 minutes! It is NOT necessary to log the reading, but it IS, indeed, necessary to read nightly! I am proud of those students who read over winter break and completed the challenge. If your child returned the completed challenge, they were awarded with hot cocoa last Friday. Only 5 students completed the challenge. However, many kids insisted they read over break. I do believe those kids, but to be fair, could only reward those who did the challenge and returned the paper.
- This week I will be doing midyear reading assessments to establish their current reading level and note the progress they’ve made this year. I look forward to those results!
- We have no school next Monday in honor or Martin Luther King day. We’ve been discussing his philosophy and beliefs, and have made incredible connections between MLK and Robert Hoge, the author of Ugly. The kids loved hearing the line in King’s speech that said, “black men and white men, Jews and gentiles,”- and hilariously stated “Jews are famous because of Martin Luther King!” Some kids were interested in seeing the entire speech, so I’ve attached the link below.
As always, please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns. We’re ALL so happy for the warmer temperatures this week. We can finally get outside and release some energy.