First Judaica Folders Coming Home Today!
I love giving families a sneak peek into what their children will be bringing home. So what can you expect to find?
You will see plenty of big kid/kindergarten work such as Alef Bet handwriting sheets and worksheets designed to help the children practice their pencil grip, scissor skills etc. But truthfully? As I was packing the children’s folders I found the contents rather boring!
That’s because I’m keeping their best and most creative work. They drew what they want to thank Hashem for, and now those pictures are up on our bulletin board! They have begun work in their “Milonim” (dictionaries) and while you are always welcome to come check those out, I get to keep them until the end of the year 🙂 . Finally, we have been creating a giant classroom siddur (prayer book) which we will use daily while saying our Tefilot!
So, please accept my apologies for the “boring” content, and please enjoy these pictures of our best work! You will be able to see much of these projects in real life next Tuesday during curriculum night!
Please empty the folder and return it with the signed Teacher-Parent communication note on Monday.