Friday, February 7
What a storm yesterday! All students were wonderful during the tornado warning and shelter in place. Mariashi and Morah Yiska told us stories and everything was calm. The biggest complaint was being hungry and late for lunch! 🙂Â
We have a great week planned for us next week! Monday we’ll be celebrating Tu B’Shvat and going on a field trip. We will be heading to Anne Spring Close Park for a nature program. We will be leaving CJDS at 8:45 and returning to school around 2:15. Some students wanted to bring their own lunches. Please confirm with your child if they want to bring their own lunch for Monday and please have them bring that in Monday morning.
Next Friday is pajama day and we’ll also be eating lunch with our first grade buddies!
Looking ahead:
No school on Monday, February 17. Progress reports will be coming home that week as well. We look forward to seeing you on Friday, 2/21 for Special Friends’ Day!Â
Have a great weekend!
Shabbat shalom,
Mrs. Dranove