Friday, January 10
Happy 2020!
We’ve had a successful week back to school after winter break. We’ve started working on vocabulary and begun our PBL unit on water. Today was Jewish Pride Day here at CJDS, ask your child about it! Snack shop will start on Monday. Please make sure to send money in with your child if they wish to purchase anything. Prices of items range from $0.05 to $1.50. It will take place during our recess time.
Don’t forget to purchase your ticket to Joined in Education on 1/29! It’s rumored that speaker Jessica Lahey is not to be missed! I hope to see you there!
We have lots of upcoming important dates that I wanted to remind you of….
Friday, January 17: School Spirit Day sponsored by the CJDS Student Council! Twin Day!!
Friday, January 17: Noon dismissal / Teacher Work Day in the Afternoon
Monday, January 18: No School / MLK, Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 28 at 1:30: Please join us in Gorelick Hall for a presentation by The Charlotte Ballet! Please RSVP to
Shabbat shalom!
Mrs. Dranove