Friday, May 13
Good Morning!
We’ve had a great week at CJDS! Yesterday we celebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut together at a wonderful assembly. Students took home goodie bags. I hope you had the chance to discuss with your child what was in the bag and its significance.
Next week is CTP4 Week! Please refer to an email from Mandy DiFilippo for more information about that. We’ve been practicing and discussing test taking strategies. I know the students are ready!
If you haven’t yet sent in the Whitewater Center waiver that Barbara sent out in the Lag B’Omer email last week, please do that as soon as you can! Also, if you haven’t yet RSVP’d for our PBL Culmination, please do so!
Important Upcoming Dates:
May 24- 10:00 am, PBL Presentations to Parents
May 26- Lag B’Omer Field Day at the Whitewater Center
May 27- Progress Reports go home, 12:00 dismissal (Teacher Appreciation Luncheon)
May 30- No School, Memorial Day
June 3- Last day of school
Shabbat Shalom!
Mrs. Dranove