Friday, November 2
Good morning!
We’ve been reading great stories in Junior Great Books. The latest story was The Nightingale. Next week we’re going to read Thunder, Elephant, and Dorobo. I know the students will enjoy it! In writing we’re working on the trait of voice. Each 4th grader has been busy in art creating challah boards, a candle holder, and a tzedakah box for Shabbat. They have also been learning about art history including: cave paintings, hieroglyphics, Greek/Roman art, and now Medieval art! Today they “updated” a picture of the Mona Lisa! Ask your child about these things!
Reader response journal homework has begun! The prompts are written in planners nightly. Remember that the nightly reading and response journal should total 40 minutes.
Conference forms were sent home yesterday. Please choose the three time choices you’d prefer and return by Wednesday, November 7.
Next week we’ll visit the book fair on Monday from 12:50-1:20.
I hope everyone enjoys the Family Social on Sunday!
Shabbat shalom!
Mrs. Dranove