Friday, October 30
Good Morning!
We had our field trip yesterday to Lake Norman State Park! We definitely got lucky with the weather! The students tested the water quality of Burns Lake by collecting and looking at different macroinvertebrates. They discovered that it was “good” quality water. And, to add a bit of extra fun, someone caught a snake in their net! No worries, it was a baby snake and non-poisonous! 🙂 (It was probably me who was most scared anyways….) When all the pictures are uploaded I’ll have to post some!
Today we are attending an assembly to hear someone play piano, violin, and guitar. Ask your child about it!
-Progress Reports are coming home today. Please sign and return.
-Parent/Teacher conferences are quickly approaching! They will be held on Monday, November 23rd and Tuesday, November 24th. Be on the lookout for the conference scheduling form to come home early next week.
-Next Friday (11/6) is a 12:00 dismissal day.
Shabbat Shalom!
Mrs. Dranove