Happy Passover
This week we have been reviewing skills and beginning some of the End of Year assessments. I like to see where the kids are now, even though it’s not technically the end of the year yet. It will fly by before we know it. If I assess now I can make sure that the students can review and secure skills that are goals for the end of year. In my math group I have introduced some STEM projects and the kids have been loving them! STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. The three projects I introduced all had a similar theme. They were supposed to work with a group or partner to plan, strategize and execute their design. The goal is to build the tallest, free standing tower, using limited materials and within a certain time frame. They were discuss any problems that come up throughout the process, decide how to change their plan and figure out how to make it work. I really love these activities because it gets the kids using their brains a little differently while also practicing some important life skills, such as patience, cooperation, disappointment and frustration. I have attached some of the pictures I took. I tried to attach a video as well but couldn’t quit