Happy Sukkot
What a wonderful week have had eating and enjoying our time in the Sukkah! Of course, we did a lot of learning inside of CJDS too!
Reading: This week we began focusing on proving our answers by finding evidence from the text that supports our thinking. Sometimes we can do this by underlining information, like on a test. Other times we just share our thinking out loud by starting sentences like this, “In the book it said…”. Encourage your child to use this language at home when possible. For example:
Dad: “Why do you think that book is so interesting?”
Child: “Because in the book there are some many cool facts about sharks! Like when it says that sharks can grow several rows of teeth!”
We finished reading Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon this week and worked on the author’s purpose for writing by looking at different genres of text. We also studied questions vs. statements.
Next week we will read Diary of a Spider and discuss cause and effect. Our grammar work will be centered around nouns. Our vocabulary words are getting more challenging! They are: rotten, sticky, insects, scare, judge, screaming, dangerous, and breeze. For writing, we will continue to add details to true stories that happened in our lives (that are not video game related.) 🙂
Spelling: Our spelling words this week focused on the long “i” and short “i” vowel sound. The students had the opportunity to work with more challenging words if their pretest showed they were ready! Ask your child if they can tell you what gripe and grim mean! Next week our spelling words will contain the long “o” and short “o” vowel sounds like in the words vote and dropped.
Math: We have finished our math unit on addition and subtraction facts. The students completed this unit by writing subtraction stories and playing different math center games with partners! Next week, we will take our test on Unit 2 and begin Unit 3 on place value, money, and time. This next unit provides so many chances for you to practice these skills with your child at home. You can talk about money when you’re at the grocery store, and discuss time while you drive from one activity to the next!
We heard three fabulous book fair presentations this week from Charlie, Daniel, and Levi! They did an excellent job standing up in front of the class and sharing the books they had read. We are all so excited for the book fair now!
I look forward to seeing everyone next week for our 4 day school week. Important dates to remember:
Monday 10/20- Thursday 10/23 BOOK FAIR at CJDS!
Tuesday 10/21 Curriculum Night 7:00-8:00 PM
Wednesday 10/22 Library Trip Group A 10:00 AM
Wednesday 10/22 Library Trip Group B 1:00 pm
Thursday 10/23 School Picture Day
Friday 10/25 No School- Teacher Work Day