It has been quite an exciting week in Kitah Aleph
The students are working hard and have learned to read their first story all in Hebrew. I have overheard comments like “Hey why is everything in here in Hebrew!!” Apparently not everyone go the memo! I am very pleased with everyone’s progress so far.
Today was a super exciting day in Kitah Aleph. Rabbi Vorst was a good sport and dressed up like our friendly Lion who helps us learn how to read. Lion in Hebrew is Ariyeh and a letter (of the Aleph bet) is an Ot–put those two things together and you get his name “Ariot”.
The students were very surprised when he burst into the classroom in the costume.
After the visit everyone got to make an ariot crown and tomorrow we are going on a parade around school. Don’t be surprised if your student comes home wearing a crown tomorrow.
Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Donna