It was a great 1st day!
We had such a successful first day of school! We started off by “sliding into school” with a giant blow up slide that Mariashi had for all of CJDS. Even I went down and it was more fun that I had anticipated. After that we went to Gorelick Hall for an assembly. We watched a skit and sang some songs. We learned the new motto for the year “Mind you Feelings”. Next the class went to PBL with Mrs. Gamlin. Then we had snack as a whole group and listened to Morah Donna read us a story. When the story was finished Morah Donna took group B and group A stayed with me. In our room we took a tour of the school by visiting the cafeteria, the technology and music room and the art room. Once we got back to our classroom we practiced unpacking in the morning and then packing up in the afternoon. Having our own lockers adds a new element to packing up so we will be practicing that for the first couple of weeks! Students took home their homework folders today just so they could practice unpacking them in the morning. I also talked about a reward system I have in my room. Students can earn two different types of rewards. They can earn coins for doing good deeds and making good choices. They can earn Brain Bucks for having good thinking in class by either participating well and applying their knowledge. On Fridays they will get a chance to “spend” their money and Brain Bucks on the treasure box but they can also choose to save. If they want to choose from the more “expensive” treasure box then they will learn to save their money for the following week. They’re learning to spend wisely and save for what they really want! After lunch and recess we switched groups and group B came with me and group A went with Morah Donna. Group B did the exact same activities as group A. All in all I feel like the day went VERY well! I’m looking forward to a great year with your children. Thank you for sharing them with me this year. 🙂