January 12-16

It has been a very cold week in Charlotte and we have been keeping our minds and bodies warm in class by learning and playing. We learned about contractions this week and talked about how the first word usually stays and the second word loses some letters which are replaced by the apostrophe. To help us learn this new skill we watched a short video on Brain Pop Jr. The students really love the characters Moby and Annie. They always present a new concept using comedy and great visuals.

Our weekly Journeys Story was an informational text titled Seasons. We read about each season and what changes happen in each season. This helped us with our comprehension strategy which was Cause and Effect. Students wrote stories about their favorite season. Most students chose the season that their birthday was in. 🙂

We’ve also been having our teacher/student writing conferences. During these conferences students are taking charge of their writing and learning what improvements they can be making. I really enjoy this time because it gives me one on one time with each child and I can see them pointing out their own mistakes which tells me they are active learners and motivated to improve. 🙂

Have a great, long weekend. 🙂 See you on Tuesday.

Shabbat Shalom!