Judaica Folders, Purim, and Pictures
Judiaica folders are coming home today! Here is some of what you can expect to find:
- Lots of Aleph Bet work
- A new activity called מילים בכיתה or words in the classroom. The children take clipboards and write down Hebrew words they see in our classroom.
- An art project on Yosef’s Beautiful coat.
- An art project depicting Pharaoh’s dreams.
- A work sheet on Yosef’s dreams.
- A Parent-Teacher Communication note. Please sign and/or comment and return with the empty folder on Monday.
Shabbat books are coming home today. Please return on Monday. Remember that you can list the title on your child’s nightly reading log.
Purim is coming… and that means it’s time to dress up! Students are requested to come in costume on Thursday, March 1st.
Each class has a theme to follow. Kindergarten gets to dress up as the characters of the Purim story. Here are some ideas, options, and a request:
- Queen Ester. Any princess gown with a crown works here.
- King Achashverosh. A cape, crown, and royal scepter would be perfect.
- Mordechai. Here you have two options; one is to dress as an old fashioned Rabbi, with a beard and turban. But there is also the part of the story when Mordechai is dressed in royal robes and rides a horse, so the crown and cape along with a “horse stick” works great!
- Haman was truly evil. Please do not send your child dressed as this wicked man.
I am working on putting together a video of our Aleph and Ayin wedding. It was so cute! Here is a sneak peak of some pictures:

One of the musicians

The flower girls



The wedding party.