Kind Little Rivka
This week we learned all about the second mother of the Jewish people, Rivka, and how kind she was. We acted out her story.

Long, long ago, there lived a little girl named Rivka.

A man named Eliezer began walking with ten camels following behind him.

The camels were loaded with presents.

It was hot, hot, hot in the desert.

Eliezer had an idea. “I will ask each girl for a drink of water. The one who is kind to me and to my camels will be the right wife for Yitzchak.”

On her way to the well, Rivka met a boy crying softly to himself.

Rivka wrapped her scarf around the boy’s foot like a soft bandage.

The man didn’t see very well and couldn’t find his way home.

Rivka held the man’s hand and walked by his side until they reached the right house.

Rivkah jumped up and gave her seat to the tired old man.

“Please may I have a sip of water from your pitcher?”
“of course you may drink!”

The camels looked at the water with big, sad eyes.

“Now I will also give water to your camels!”

Back and forth went Rivka, filling and spilling, pulling and pouring. Until all the thirsty camels had enough to drink.

Eliezer gave many beautiful presents to Rivka.
Best of all, kind little Rivka married Yitzchak and became one of the mothers of the Jewish people!
Shabbat books are coming home this week. Please log the title on your child’s book log and return on Monday.