Kitah Aleph begins at the beginning.
Jewish communities all around the world celebrated Simchat Torah this week. Part of that celebration was to complete the reading of the entire Torah and to immediately begin again. The students were amazed that we have such a special book that we have been reading and learning from for thousands of years.
This week in Kitah Aleph we also began studying the Torah from Breishit which fittingly means “In the beginning”. We have a small Torah in the classroom and the students practiced reading the first verse from their new Parashat haShavua (weekly Parsha) workbook as well as directly from this small Torah.
Please be patient with the students as they attempt to read their weekly sentence. They don’t know all of the letters and vowel notations yet.
The Shabbat Box will begin coming home again today as well.
Shabbat Shalom, Morah Donna