March 14-18
This week and next week we will be reading the same Journeys story and focusing on the same comprehension strategies. Since Friday will be a busy day visiting Oasis and next week is Purim, I figured it was best that we spread this unit out. We read the story The Tree from the popular series, Poppleton. In this story we discussed ways that characters solve their problems. We talked about the difference between being sick and needed something. In this story Poppleton’s tree doesn’t look well but the doctor says it is not sick it just needs something. Ask your child to tell you the rest of the story. 🙂
In math we are learning about shapes and symmetry. Students played a game called “Guess my Design” where one person created a design out of shapes. They needed to tell their partner how to make the same design without seeing what he/she was doing behind their screen. This is teaching the children how to use their words to explain something and how important precision in. They also practiced using the names of the shapes to describe their design. This was pretty challenging for some at first but once they got the hang of it they started to do a really nice job and create more challenging designs. We also started to learn about symmetry and the different lines of symmetry a shape can have. Students were asked to go through the uppercase alphabet and guess to see how many letters were symmetrical.
We also visited the library this week. Ms. Debby read some fables which was such a treat! She read a different version of The Tortoise and the Hare which was exciting because that is one of our plays that we will perform at the end of the month! She also told the story of The Stone in the Road and The Lion and the Mouse. See if your child is able to tell you what the moral or lesson of those particular fables were.
I’ve also included just some fun photos from this week!
Have a great weekend! Shabbat Shalom!