May 9th – 13th
Our overnight trip was a huge success! The students had the opportunity to study soil, fossils, predators and prey, and insects. We took two hikes around the large beaver pond and studied the beavers’ enormous dam! We had an amazing campfire run by the guides at the center and got to roast marshmallows on sticks! The students did an excellent job following our guides, Mr. Justin, Mr. Bill, and Ms. Ashley. Our guides were all naturalists and furthered our understanding of many of the science topics the students have learned about in Project Based Learning class. I will be posting more pictures and hopefully making a slideshow of our trip but here are a few of my favorites:
Once we got back to school we began reviewing the important things we have learned this school year to get ready for next week’s CTP4 test. We have been playing a lot of Jeopardy style review games and reading many different passages to practice our reading, writing, and math skills. Here is our testing schedule for next week:
Monday- Reading Comprehension
Tuesday- Word Analysis (phonics, spelling rules, etc.)
Wednesday- Writing Mechanics (grammar, punctuation, etc.)
Thursday- Math
It is important that the students arrive at school well rested, with a good breakfast in their tummies, and ready to work. We will begin each day on time so that the students can take their tests in the morning when their energy is high! They have worked so hard this school year and are very prepared for the CTP4.