November already?!

It’s hard to believe tomorrow is November 1st! Time is flying by in third grade, but we’re getting much accomplished.

Last week, CJDS held its primaries to listen to students’ speeches who are interested in running for class representative. After listening to five speeches, students had to vote on their favorite candidate. It was narrowed down to the top two- congratulations to Noga and Shakked! 

This week third graders will be back to writing reader’s response nightly entries after having some time off in October. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night you can expect them to be responding in their notebooks. We will NOT have Kid Blog this Thursday since there is NO SCHOOL on Friday. 

Today we kicked off a new vocabulary curriculum! The program provides both contextual learning and direct instruction of specific vocabulary words,  and explicitly teaches vocabulary building strategies. Your child is able to access the website which has audio readings of the passages we read in class, visuals of unit words, interactive games like hangman and memory, and practice quizzes. Please take advantage of this resource!

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