October 31, 2014
A Full Week!!!! What were we thinking. This has been truly a long but productive work week for all of us. I am so proud of the students. Each week I noticed them taking on more and more responsibility.
I want to thank the parents that came to the Curriculum Night on Tuesday. It means a lot to me when you take time out of your busy schedules. If you have any questions please send me an email and I can go over it with you.
We are fully engrossed in our PBL on Colonial Times. We are learning so much from everyone’s experiences.
Reminder: Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Monday Nov. 24th and Tuesday Nov. 25th. I will be sending out confirmation dates and times next week. We are all working to coordinate with each other to make it as easy as possible for you that have children in other grades. Fifth grade is a large class so you may be assigned to one of your 2nd or 3rd choices. Have a great weekend