October 7-9

This week we focused our learning on adjectives and sentence structure. We played the game Pictionary to practice using adjectives. I would tell the drawer a noun and they would draw the noun. Once the picture was guessed correctly, we came up with different adjectives to describe that noun. The kids did an excellent job! They learned that adjectives can be numbers, feelings, colors, shapes and sizes. We also practiced writing complete sentences and we tried to include adjectives in those sentences. First graders are still learning how to build a sentence. We talk about how a sentence needs a naming part and a telling part. It’s very common for first graders to want to say “the dog” as their sentence. We work together as a class to come up with ideas to add to the sentence. Some examples we came up with were 1. The dog is cute. 2. The dog is going on a walk. 3. The dog is happy.

Next week we will finally get back into a routine. We will have PE on Tuesday! Make up day for pictures will be on Friday, October 16th.

Have a wonderful weekend. Shabbat Shalom.