Our Jewish Names
There are some big changes happening in the kindergarten Judaica classroom. We aren’t using name stickers to label our work, we are finally ready to actually write our own names in Hebrew!
The students practiced using dry erase crayons to trace their names on their name cards, they shaped their names out of playdough or wikki sticks, they traced their names with special color switcher marks, shaped their names out of craft sticks and finally used an actual pencil to write their names.
I am so proud of their efforts.
Check out what a great job they did with the craft sticks. Please feel free to come see them in person.

רייזל אביגיל

יצחק לוי משולם דניאל איתן

אדם אביב

אריאל שושנה עילאי נחמיה אליהו