Parashat Lech Lecha
This week the students learned about Parashat Lech Lecha. They have written a short Devar Torah and should be able to read it to you in Hebrew and summarize it in English.
We focused on the Mitzvah of Pidiyon Shevuiim (rescuing the captive) that we learned from Avraham. His nephew Lot was taken captive in a war that the 4 kings had with the people of Sedom (where Lot was living). Avraham chased the armies of the 4 Kings and rescued his nephew and others who had been taken.
In order to understand how important this Mitzvah is we also learned about the miraculous rescue at Entebbe on July 4, 1976. You might share with your son or daughter how you felt when you heard about this. If you are too young to remember it, maybe one of your parents can share with the student what an incredible day that was for everyone. I remember very clearly the sense of relief in the Jewish community and really in the entire country because the hostage crisis had overshadowed much of the celebration of the bicentennial here.
Some of the classes viewed a few clips from films that were made about the hostage crisis and the dramatic rescue. While it would be interesting to watch an entire film in class we really don’t have the time for this in class. If you are interested in watching at home there were two films made about this—An American film called “a raid on Entebbe” and an Israeli film “Operation thunderbolt”. I am pretty sure that they have both films in the library at the jcc. Just be forewarned that there are some battle scenes in each of them.
Please let us know if this assignment was especially difficult for your child.
Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Donna, Morah Yiska, and Morah Hannah