Shabbat Shalom Parshat Bo

Thank you to everyone who came to the Havdallah Social last weekend. You can relive the experience again this weekend, all you need is some more grape juice! Those children that couldn’t be here received the kit so they can do it at home as well.

This week we learned about the last of the plagues and Pharaoh finally lets the Jewish People go free. Ask your child for details.

Group A got to do a special mitzvah this week: we brought all the items that everyone donated and put in the Mitzvah Wagon to Jewish Family Services. We saw the food pantry and Ms. Cheryl told us about its function.

Group B also did a special mitzvah today: we went to Oasis and sang for the seniors. Then we made paper flowers in honor of Tu Bishvat and told them a little about the holiday. The seniors were full of compliments about their polite, smart, visitors!

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