Spelling Activities

Hello parents!

As you know, third graders take weekly spelling tests each Friday throughout the year. The kids are expected to study their words nightly at home. Occasionally, we have time during the day to work on the words. However, often, the only time I give kids to ‘study’ their words is a five minute time slot right before the test on Friday. Throughout the week, we examine similar spelling patterns and locate the pattern in everyday text. I surveyed the class last Thursday to find out how many of the kids had studied their words at home during the week….and out of 19 kids only FOUR said they’d looked at their words!  I, of course, was disheartened. I stressed that each and every kid was 100% capable of getting a perfect score on their weekly test, if they’d just study their words for 5 minutes each day. To help make spelling homework more fun, I gave them each a bright green piece of paper with tic-tac-toe spelling activities. Each activity is a short, simple, yet fun way to practice spelling words. I DO NOT require the kids to complete the activities, it is merely a suggestion and resource. One activity involves writing words in shaving cream….and I know at least a handful of kids will be asking to do this one tonight! 🙂 

I hope you all enjoyed the long, sunny weekend!