The Story of Purim

Hello Parents,

We are having a blast learning the story of Purim.  Check out these pictures of the fun we had acting out the story.

Ester and her maids cautiously enter Achashverosh's throne room.

Ester and her maids cautiously enter Achashverosh’s throne room.


The guards are shocked that the queen would take the risk of coming without being called!

The guards are shocked that the queen would take the risk of coming without being called!


The king is angry that the queen would come to him without an invitation.

The king is angry that the queen would come to him without an invitation.


An angel lifts the hand holding the scepter.  suddenly the king isn't angry anymore.

An angel lifts the hand holding the scepter. suddenly the king isn’t angry anymore.


Shabbat books are coming home today.  You can list them on your child’s book log.  Please return them on Monday.

Shabbat Shalom!

Morah Rochel