Thursday, March 3
Good Afternoon!
I hope that everyone enjoys the long weekend! Tomorrow is a teacher workday!
This week we’ve continued our study of the regions of the United States. We had 2 guest speakers. Mr. Martin came in to talk with us about the Midwest. We learned so many cool things about the Midwest and enjoyed pictures that he brought in to share! Mrs. Beth Folic, a travel agent at Mann Travel in the Arboretum, came and spoke to us about all the regions of the United States. Ask your child about our visitors!
Today in Judaica, students worked with Morah Chaya to bake yummy challahs and cookies for the 4th grade Shabbat dinner.
We’re very excited for our field trip to Raleigh on March 16th! We’ll return on the 17th in the afternoon and 4th graders will have a late start on Friday, March 18th. 🙂
Mrs. Dranove