Thursday, September 26
This week we read Prot & Krot in Junior Great Books. Students really enjoyed this Polish Folktale! We began art with Mrs. Lerner and have been working with compasses and many different colors to create some nice, creative pieces. Today students were introduced to Prodigy, which will be replacing First in Math this year. A letter was sent home with each child including information, usernames and passwords. Everyone seemed very excited about the new program and eager to play!
Tomorrow we will be participating in some awesome Rosh Hashanah activities in the afternoon. Make sure to ask your child about it tomorrow after school. 🙂
Remember that there is no school on Monday, September 30 or Tuesday, October 1 in observance of Rosh Hashanah.
Look for progress reports to come home on Friday, October 4.
Wishing everyone a shana tova!
Mrs. Dranove