Updates in Third Grade

Hello parents,

We are well into our Jacob’s Ladder curriculum and the kids seem to be enjoying the stories. Today we spent a good amount of time learning how to restate the question in order to answer the question and writing complete sentences. We read Owl Moon last week and The Stinky Cheese Man today, which was quite silly! 

You should have received your child’s first spelling test score on Friday. If you didn’t get a chance yet, take a look at how they did. They all have new words coming home today. If they missed a word on the post-test last Friday, it will be on this week’s list again, in addition to the 12 new words selected. My rule is that the kids must practice the words until they get it correct 🙂 

Tomorrow you can expect to see a Vocabulary pretest coming home. The score you see on the pretest will NOT affect their overall grade, it’s merely to see what they already know before we dive into the vocabulary book. The pretest will give you an idea of the types of words your child will be learning. A great website your kids can access from home is:


Once you get to the website, click on the Green Book, and on the left hand column you will see the units listed. We are currently on Unit 1. This website allows the kids to play educational games involving their vocabulary words. There is hangman, memory games, and much more. Take a look! 

Reading: You can expect your child to be assigned only 20 minutes of daily reading this week, instead of 30. I am giving the kids a reading comprehension packet this week, which I assume will take about 10 minutes. Add this to the 20 minutes, and there’s the 30 minutes daily! 

I hope you’re all warm and dry today- it’s nasty out there!

As always, be in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

Be well,
