Welcome back!

Welcome back to school.  This week we had lots to celebrate.

Two boys celebrated their birthdays in Kitah Aleph.  I am proud to report that they both chose to take home Hebrew books to read to their families and to share with the class the next day.  כל הכבוד!!

Then on Wednesday we had an extra special treat.  Hayley’s Savta from Israel came to share with us a Globe that lights up and has all of the country names written in Hebrew!  The students enjoyed finding our tiny, precious Land of Israel.

It just so happened that I had planned a surprise for the students on Wednesday.   I had taped Hayley reading a storybook and make a little film of the story.  The little girl in the book has a little brother named Tom just like Hayley.  Enjoy!

Stay warm everyone.

Shabbat Shalom

Morah Donna