Welcome to Second Grade
Wow! We have had a wonderful first week of school. The students have begun to learn the rituals and routines of our classroom and I am impressed with how quickly they are mastering these new habits. The beginning of a new school year is always full of so many things to learn and we will review everything so the students feel comfortable in their new environment. 🙂
This week we talked, played games, and even wrote a silly story that helped us design our class rules. Here are the four rules we decided would help us have a safe and fun year:
- Keep your eyes on the speaker.
- Make sure your mouth is waiting its turn.
- Always move in a safe way.
- Model respect through your words and actions all day long!
Here are the happy second graders in action!
What should be in my child’s backpack?
Each day the students should bring their large ziplock “Bag of Books” to school with the following inside of it:
1. The blue and yellow Planner
2. Red Homework Folder
3. Three books of their choice!
We use all of these items in class each day so it is important that the students get in the routine of putting them in their backpacks each morning or before bed at night. The students and I will review the books they are reading at home in our reading conferences so please remind them to put them back in their bags and bring them to school. If something gets left at home that’s ok! It will be a great learning experience for your child to remember it next time and I’ll provide them with what they need for their lessons that day.
Next Week
The students have already begun assessments in math and spelling, and they will begin assessments in reading and writing next week. There are always breaks between assessments and they will be stretched throughout the week so that they students are able to do their best. These assessments will provide me with valuable information on your children that will help me tailor my instruction to meet their needs. We will also continue working on our classroom rituals and routines next week and the students will practice how to independently work at literacy centers that focus on comprehension, fluency, phonics, vocabulary, and grammar. The students will begin their first math unit too! This unit reviews concepts like time, money, and calendars- all important skills we use every day!
Library Cards
This year we will be taking three trips to the South County Regional Library. The students will have the opportunity to learn how to find books and use reference materials. When you get a chance, please send in a library card for your child. You can use this link to order a library card online and receive it in the mail. Once you have your card you will need to take it into the library to get it activated, but that’s just a great excuse to check out the library together! When you send in your child’s library card please put their name on it and provide me with their 4-digit code (the last four digits of your phone number.) You can email me the code if you’d like!
Please email me with any questions or concerns! 🙂 jfelter@cjdschool.org