What a great day! Shabbat Shalom!

In addition to enjoying our Friday Wacky Day and the Rosh Chodesh celebration (the new Jewish month), Kitah Gimmel also celebrated the completion of the 2nd book of the Torah, Shmot!

This Shabbat is called Shabbat Chazak, the Shabbat that we strengthen ourselves in Torah study.

In preparation for this celebration, the students strengthened their knowledge of the general content of each of the 11 Torah portions in the 2nd book by reviewing the ‘semel’ and ‘messer’ of each portion.  We then took a test to show how well we’ve learned the Parashot in Sefer Shemot. To celebrate this knowledge, we played Shmot Bingo and decorated a cookie with edible ink. On one side was the symbol and the other side was the name of the Parsha. It was fun to guess the symbol and call out the matching Parsha!

A good time was had by all and being that we all became champions of Sefer Shemot we each received a Shmot champion medal!!!!!

Enjoy the photos.CIMG5222 CIMG5227 CIMG5230 CIMG5231