What’s in my child’s backpack? Pesach!
Judaica folders are coming home today and here is what you can expect to find:
- A Haggadah made by your children. it includes the steps of the seder told in rhyme, many of the blessings, the story of Pesach, and loads of artwork.
- A four question cheat sheet. The questions are written in Hebrew, transliterated and in English. This year, we put more emphasis on the English version as I feel strongly about the students understanding what they are saying! The questions can be challenging as they all start the same and end so similar. Use the cheat sheet to assist your child if they get stuck at the seder. If your child would like to do all four questions in Hebrew, there is still time to practice! Just use this link: https://www.chabadnc.org/library/howto/trainer_cdo/aid/2481410/jewish/Ma-Nishtanah-Trainer.htm#!343744/v567
- A different style Teacher – Parent communication note. Instead of me reporting on your children’s progress, I’d like for you to report to me! Please share how your child did at the seder. I will read these reports to the students and will have a prize for every child who brings back (or emails) a report.