What’s in my Child’s Backpack? Purim!

Judaica folders are coming home today, and here is what you can expect to find in your child’s backpack:

  • The usual Alef-Bet work
  • A page out of King Achashverosh’s royal diary
  • A set of Purim character puppets
  • Some Purim fun sheets
  • A “writer’s-workshop” style megilah.  (See Instagram for how it was created)
  • 2 royal hamantashen baked by your child

What you will not find in your child’s backpack:

  • A Teacher-Parent communication note.  Report cards will be sent home soon, which will have detailed information on your child’s progress.
  • This treasure of a mishloach manot (Purim package of treats shared with friends) that your child made for their 5th grade buddy.

On Purim, the kindergartners will be dressed as royalty. Only a royal treasure will do for our buddies!

Treasure chests!

A royal ring, gold coins, and a gem encrusted Hamantash!