Winter Learning

We are almost approaching winter break but we are going full steam ahead learning and doing fun new things. We have started our long vowel patterns in spelling and the students are doing great! Some students are working on the silent -e patterns while others are ready for “trickier” patterns like -igh and -ie. In Reading Workshop we are focusing on comparing and contrasting and expression while reading. To practice comparing and contrasting we did an activity where each student was paired up with another first grader. They talked with each other to find out similarities and differences they had and used a Venn Diagram to display their answers. We made Comparing and Contrasting Snowmen to show this work. They will be on display in the room next week!

In the enrichment math group the students are learning multiplication and division! It’s not an expected mastery skill but it is a good introduction to the concept. I have the group the “9’s trick” for multiplication. If your child is in my math group ask them to show you the “9’s trick” for 8×9 or 9×9…they will hopefully be able to answer it for you!

Next week we will have a review week as well as a fun filled activities like our Winter Break Party. This will take place on Thursday, December 15th from 1-2:50. We have started reading the Boxcar Children series as part of our morning meeting. The students are really into it so I thought that we would watch the Boxcar Children Movie during our party. 🙂


6 days left before winter break! Have a great weekend!

Shabbat Shalom

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