Club Enrollment Form – Elementary School

Club Registration Form Third Trimester

"*" indicates required fields

Parent Name*

Child Registration Information

First Child's Name*
Will the child be transferred to JTeam after the club session ends?*
First Child Clubs

Policy Agreements

Our afterschool clubs are a service provided by CJDS to give students a chance to explore and enjoy other activities after school, as well as give parents an extra hour before the student(s) are picked up. We are happy to offer these programs and love that the students can create, perform, learn and enjoy. All of our after-school programs are a privilege, and with all of our afterschool clubs and study hall, we have behavioral expectations for our programs so all children can enjoy them. Following directions, respecting the adult in charge, keeping hands and feet to themselves, and kind behavior are expected. One verbal warning will be given and if the behavior does not change, they will be sent to the office to be picked up early. If this happens again, the student will not be welcome back to that club for the rest of the trimester. *Refunds will not be provided. Please check the box below to indicate your understanding of the policy.
Classes are fully refundable if you withdraw prior to the first class. Withdrawal after the first class, will be prorated. Refunds are not granted after the second class.

Total Fees

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.