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Donna de Groot

Donna DeGroot


B.A. UNC-Chapel Hill, RN Asaf Harofe School of Nursing, Israel, B.S. Nursing, UNC-Charlotte, M.S.N. Community Health Nursing, University of South Carolina

1st Grade, 5th Grade Judaica

I have a B.A. from UNC-Chapel Hill, RN from Asaf Harofe School of Nursing in Israel, B.S. in Nursing from UNC-Charlotte, and a Master of Science degree in Community Health Nursing from the University of South Carolina in Columbia.

In December 2009, I completed a Graduate Certificate in Jewish Education from the Baltimore Hebrew Institute of Towson University in Baltimore, MD.

I lived for nearly 11 years in Israel, and since 1999, I have been teaching Hebrew and Jewish studies to students in Temple Emanuel’s Religious School in Gastonia, the Consolidated Hebrew High School of Charlotte, and the Charlotte Jewish Day School.
For twenty years, nursing was my “career” and teaching Hebrew was something that I did for fun. I joined the Day School staff full time in 2003 to make my “fun” into a “career.” I have two daughters who are CJDS graduates. I live in Charlotte with my husband David.